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Mr. Sammy Royal Reese
02/04/1946 - 02/18/2025
Mr. Sammy Royal Reese, age 79, of Amelia Courthouse, passed away on Tuesday February 18, 2025. He was the owner and operator of his business, Reese Machine and Sandblasting Service and a United States Navy Veteran. A graveside memorial service will be held at 3:30 P.M. in Oakwood Cemetery, South Hill, VA on Saturday March 1, 2025. . Online condolences may be made through our website, www.crowderhitecrews.com. Crowder-Hite-Crews Funeral Home and Crematory is serving the Reese family.
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About Us
At Crowder-Hite-Crews we’ve always been proud to say that we are large enough to serve and small enough to care. When you choose us, we consider this a sacred trust between your family and ours. We offer a full range of funeral service, whether for a traditional funeral or cremation, and we are able to assist families worldwide. In February of 2004 we installed a crematorium to better serve our cremation families. We now do all cremations in our facility, saving transport to another location for this service. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about the cremation process.
Family owned and operated since 1972.
Situated on a 3-acre pastoral setting.
1st Place in Reader’s Choice for Funeral Service (16 years running).
Staff members are active in many civic organizations in the area, including Lions, Rotary, Moose Lodge, Masons, Ruritan, and Chamber of Commerce.
Owners are former Presidents of the Virginia Funeral Directors Association and Southside Funeral Directors Association.
We always help you apply for Social Security and Veterans benefits!
We also help with completing life insurance claim forms.
Crowder-Hite-Crews Funeral Home & Crematory
PO Box 422
1504 N. Mecklenburg Ave.
South Hill, VA 23970
Local (434) 447-7171
Fax (434) 447-3212
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Sammy and I went to Kenbridge High School together and he was smart and always entertaining. We lived about 7-8 miles apart and remained friends until after High School at which time he went into the military ( CV’s) and his young mind was challenged in a way he couldn’t accept and I believe discharged honorably. I lost close touch as he moved and married, divorced. He established his business in/around Mechanicsville VA. and apparently did well . I miss the Sammie that I grew up with and I pray God accepted his soul in heaven for a peaceful resting placed as his spirit remains in our hearts with our memories .
Church acquaintance
The last time I saw Sammy was at his brother’s wake at Crowder-Hite Funeral Home several years ago. My husband & I occasionally saw Sammy at Williams Church.
After his relocation, we lost contact..He was very involved in church activities at one time and offered much support to his brother. May he rest in peace.