Mrs. Barbara Elliott Watson
10/09/1937 - 03/16/2025
Mrs. Barbara Elliott Watson, age 87, of South Hill, died on Sunday March 16, 2025. She was a retired employee of Jones Apparel and the widow of Benjamin Watkins “B.W.” Watson, Jr. Mrs. Watson is survived by her twelve nieces and nephews and five cousins, including her caregivers and cousins, James Fulcher and Charlotte Ferguson. A graveside funeral service will be conducted on Saturday March 22nd at 2:00 P.M. in Oakwood Cemetery, South Hill. Online condolences may be made through our website, Crowder-Hite-Crews Funeral Home and Crematory is serving the Watson family.
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Crowder-Hite-Crews Funeral Home & Crematory
PO Box 422
1504 N. Mecklenburg Ave.
South Hill, VA 23970
Local (434) 447-7171
Fax (434) 447-3212
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She was such a sweet lady